Donate and Transform a Child’s Life

Jeremiah, 18 months and 6 years old

Jeremiah, 18 months and 6 years old


Donations such as yours have helped Supporting Heart transform Jeremiah (above) from an abandoned 18 month old to a happy and loved 6 year old who just beat 70 other children in his maths class.

Please help us transform the lives of other children like Jeremiah.

Our current target is to raise US$13,300 (425,000 Thai Baht) to ensure 110 children can attend school this year.

That’s about US$120 per year for each child, or US$10 per month. (If we raise more than this total, we have a waiting list of vulnerable kids.)

Please Be a Hero and Donate NOW

Your generosity is fully tax deductible in the USA but this link can be used by donors in any country

Gifts are processed via Paypal through our 501(c)(3) partner Acorn2Oaks, Inc. by clicking the link below. 

Or offer Support by mail...

You can also mail support as a check to the address below. Please write checks to Acorn2Oaks, Inc. Then, on a sticky note or a note attached to the check (but not written on the check), write Supporting Heart.  

Acorn2Oaks, Inc.
PO Box 54
Zelienople, PA 16063

On your first donation you will receive a standard thank you letter from Acorn2Oaks on behalf of Supporting Heart (Sai Jai Yai Rak), then no additional communication will be made until the end of the year when you will receive a  donation statement. In addition, Supporting Heart (Sai Jai Yai Rak) will send you a confirmation email upon receipt for ALL donations received from you via Acorn2Oaks. 

Organizational note: Since 2009, Supporting Heart has come under the umbrella of T-AMF Thai-Akha Ministry Foundation